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I studied Printed Textiles [BA (hons) First Class] at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee, and started my first business in Kendal in 1987 making printed textiles, t-shirts, scarves, bags and lengths of cloth.

I am passionate about textiles that are beautifully made and carefully considered and aim to reflect these qualities in my own work, producing pieces you will want to live with and eventually pass onto future generations.

I am influenced by Japanese craft techniques and aesthetics, particularly with regard to the manipulation of cloth and innovative ways to ‘make do and mend’ e.g. sashiko, kintsugi, and boro.

It is important to me that the materials I use are made from natural fibres – silk, cotton, linen, wool, bamboo, etc. – as they are breathable and biodegradable, unlike synthetic fibres which contribute to the increasing problem of microplastics in the environment.

Everything is made by me, with care. Much time and consideration goes into the choice of fabric and materials, the placement of each element and the combination of colours. Each piece is unique.